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The Year of Alignment - 2024 Q1 Newsletter

Updated: Sep 2

As a believer in Jesus Christ, you must admit the road was not easy for him. His desire to share his Father’s word was the plan, even though he knew that most wouldn't want to hear what he had to say. Thankfully, The Lord directed his steps and guided him in the direction he needed to go, just as he will direct yours if you allow him to. We all have been in a situation where we wanted to accomplish something and after all the hard work and time that was spent making sure everything was in order, things did not go as planned. This is what most call…Life! God never told us the road would be easy, as a matter of fact, he left us plenty of proof that it most likely wouldn’t. Nehemiah had to face great odds when trying to rebuild the walls in Jerusalem and reestablish his people, but he prayed to God for discernment of his Holy will. God is a loving God, who promised to never forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). We can feel confident in his word and have faith that he will get us to the destination in which we are headed and align us with what is meant for us.

Aligning ourselves with God's purpose takes believing in something bigger than ourselves. This reminds me of faith, something that although you may not be able to see, is there. As a believer in GOD, you have faith because you know that without it there is no hope. Our duties as Christians are to encourage our brothers and sisters as God does for us, operate in patience, and realize that no matter how difficult our challenges and circumstances may be, we will overcome them if we trust in him.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

Proverbs 3:5-6

  • Altha Grove Baptist Church is on a journey of alignment and every Wednesday we deep dive into the scripture and learn God's word. AGBC is studying up on the book of Nehemiah, and each week we learn what and how we need to position ourselves and the church to move in the direction the Lord has already laid out for us. Check out our weekly recaps on our social media and feel free to join us at 7pm every Wednesday night on Facebook and Zoom!

  • February, of course, was Black History Month and AGBC had a great time this year showing up and showing out! Every Sunday was special, we had Old’ School Sunday, African Heritage Day, HBCU attire, the relaunch of our very own Youth Ministry, and you know we had our annual Soul Food Sunday where we fellowshipped together.

  • Praise God!!! We celebrated our Pastor Michael Cherry II & his beautiful family’s, first anniversary and it was an awesome event. We were blessed with a word from guest pastor, Rev. Brandon Hairston during the morning service and Rev. Preston Tyler for the afternoon service. The Lord sent Altha Grove two of his best servants to share his Holy word and they did not disappoint. Check out the recaps of these two dynamic services on our Facebook page.

  • The Missionary Ministry will be carrying donations to the food bank in a few weeks. Their goal is to always be there in a time of need. They are aligned with different agencies in the city, such as IOA and they try to help children, the homeless, and families.

  • The Sunday School Ministry is currently preparing for Vacation Bible School in June. This is a great opportunity to bring people from every walk of life young and old alike to fellowship with Jesus Christ. Stay tuned…

  • The Youth Ministry will be hosting a Youth Revival next month, April 24th- 26th.

  • The Morning Star Women of Prayer will be having their 1st year AGBC Women’s Ministry Event, coming in May 2024! This event will be focusing on women’s health.

  • The AGBC AV Ministry will be hosting a Fashion Show coming May 4th. They will be presenting various styles at this event. A sign-up sheet is available in the vestibule and all ages are welcome. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

  • The Sons of Jacob back in January held a Breakfast & Real Talk with Pastor Cherry. It was a blessed Fellowship with the men of AGBC. The opportunity to come together as Christians to reflect and discuss.

  • GOD IS MOVING!! New Deacon and Deaconess training at Altha Grove!

  • The Nurse’s Ministry / Usher Board room got a facelift, please feel free to stop in and take a quick look at what the Lord has provided. The nurse’s ministry will also, be speaking at the Women’s Ministry event in May on “Women’s Health.”

  • Advocating for your own health is necessary and AGBC is blessed to have a Nurse Ministry that can be an asset for you. Meet your AGBC Nurse Ministry members, Cathy Hayes (Leader), Gloria Miller, Michelle Bennett, Porsche Taylor, Chelsea Dews, Kim Austin, Dianne Paige, Sharonda Ray, and Corie Bryant. Please feel free to seek any health advice from this dynamic group of women.


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